Im Dating A Passive Beta Male Is His Behavior Normal?

The silent treatment doesn’t always relate to emotional abuse. Some people lack effective communication skills or need to retreat into themselves to work things out. The silent treatment can also be part of a broader pattern of control or emotional abuse. When it’s used regularly as a power play, it can make you feel rejected or excluded.

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The admins had to send out an email every few months reminding people that clipping your toenails and leaving them on a conference table was unacceptable. My tolerance for any shenanigans at this place was very low, but still didn’t justify that very cringey slack message. Additionally, glasses should not be stacked haphazardly on top of one another. Aside from the cost of replacing them, the job of fishing pieces of broken glass out of the dishwasher falls to me, and is clearly a workplace health and safety hazard. I’m not surprised they assigned a new secretary – that’s just out of line. Someone posted a meme of Jim from The Office on it with the caption “I’m pretty emotionally needy”.

Yeah, I had a baby with this guy and it was “crazy making”. I actually tried to send him some articles and descriptions about the behavior which only angered him more. He said I was the one who was emotionally abusive by even questioning his behavoir.

Signs That You’re Too Passive In Your Relationship

This is easier said than done, but try to distract yourself by heading outdoors or getting absorbed in a good book. You don’t go seeking the excitement and adrenaline of new experiences. You’re quite happy living within the confines of your comfort zone, even if you’re aware that you’re stagnating there.

Even group therapy helps in effective treatment for this disorder. He expects that he must be understood even when he is not expressing or saying anything. He won’t even say what he wants and will feel bad if you don’t understand him. Create a safe place where both of you feel comfortable talking about your feelings, and things that are bothering you.

He will turn away from those he loves simply because he fears rejection or something going terribly wrong. A passive aggressive man will always choose to avoid conflict because he has come to experience conflict or disagreement as terrifying. He may have a great desire to connect with you emotionally but they don’t have the tools required for them to do so.

He uses a lot of sarcasm

Wow, and this article only seemed to give her validation on her bogus actions. She sent me the link, with the tag line, “read this and you’ll know how I feel.”…. Well, i watched her verball & mentally abuse my kids. I Should have left when that started, for my kids sake. And I almost feel like psychologist should be required to take a psyc evaluation before they are able to work in that field. I am devistated at how such a mean spirited person can be placed in charge of another individuals mental health.

Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Differences between feeling depressed or feeling blue. Lose weight, a passive-aggressive colleague might bring you a cake the next day. Your anger and hurt is causing you to act out in unhealthy ways, some of which may border on parental alienation.

While it’s not always malicious, the silent treatment certainly isn’t a healthy way to communicate. If the silent treatment looms large in your life, there are steps you can take to improve your relationship or remove yourself from an abusive situation. If you believe you’re experiencing emotional abuse, you don’t have to put up with it.

No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please contact one of our counselors for further information. Learned helplessness where a person continually acts as if they cannot help themselves by doing a poor job of something for which they are responsible. Passive-aggressive people frequently arrive late. The theory behind this is that a passive-aggressive individual will put off doing anything until the last minute rather than directly addressing their displeasure.

You may also want to try and be more flexible yourself. If you are always running on time, your partner’s lateness may not bother you as much. It is essential to let your partner understand how their lateness is affecting you. You may need to set limits with your partner if their delinquency is problematic.

They could seem benign, though the result is misunderstanding, not to mention a relationship in which communication grows more and more difficult. These behaviors might include forgetfulness (missing an appointment, “forgetting” to do what is asked), blaming the other person, and ambiguity. No matter how hard you work to make your life a better place, you have no control over what toxic people bring into your life.