Why A Taurus Man Ignores Your Texts And What To Do About It

If you even dare to cheat on him, he’ll leave you forever. The man in Taurus won’t change his beliefs for anyone. He likes doing things his way and he will no longer talk if someone tries to contradict him.

He is Interested in a Long-Term Commitment

You don’t have to tell him everything, but it’s good if he knows that you’re not hiding anything from him. He will probably feel more comfortable talking to you if he knows that you are being yourself around him. You should be open and honest with him about your life, about your past, and about what you want in the future.

Their practicality makes Taurus men slow to admit their feelings, so it’s no wonder you might be having a hard time figuring out where you stand. There are many reasons why someone might choose to date a Taurus. First, they are loyal and stable individuals who enjoy spending time alone. They may find that a Taurus partner is supportive and reliable, making them a great choice for someone who wants an ongoing relationship. Additionally, Taurus people are often excellent communicators who can be very understanding and caring. He’ll want to spend more time with you since he’ll enjoy the sense of being comforted by someone he likes.

Of course, he is quite shy, so it may take him a few attempts to build up his courage to make the first move. Once you get past this awkward phase, and as he gets comfortable, he will open up to you and share his deepest thoughts, hopes, and desires with you. Taurus men may seem standoffish, but they are really kind and nice.

A great way to make him date happy is to cook him a fabulous meal. They are straightforward and upfront if they don’t like or appreciate what they are seeing. However, they don’t shy away from complimenting either. A Taurus man can be extremely protective of their loved ones. This is a natural instinct that they have for their special ones. If you are dating a Taurus man then you will need to look out for bouts of jealousy as they can get easily jealous or provoked.

They tend to get along best with the other Earth signs as well as the Water signs (with the exception of Scorpio, in most cases). This man is slow and methodical in selecting his partner. He is unlikely to jump in any hasty decisions and regret so syncd not logging in it later. Nearly all Taurus males are warm, loving, caring and understanding individuals. He is dedicated and loyal and also expects the same from his partner. An out-going or flirtatious women is not the one this man is looking for.


He filters everything with his mind first, not being the emotional type. For him, things have to be the exactly the same way each time he’s trying them. If you want to win the attention of a Taurus man and keep him forever, begin by earning his trust and making him feel comfortable around you. Taurus men need stability in order to feel secure in a relationship, so it’s important to create an environment of trust and mutual respect. Your Taurus guy has a specific style when it comes to clothes, so don’t try and change his “look” unless he asks you to help him change his appearance. Become familiar with all his likes and dislikes regarding his appearance.

Though both signs have incredible taste, Libra is more concerned with how things make them think and Taurus is focused on how things make them feel. Libra wants to go to “the cinema” while Taurus just wants to binge the latest season of Housewives. Libra wants to analyze the quality of the vermouth in his Negroni while Taurus just wants her snacks. These two spend many lovely days browsing galleries, meandering in nature and preparing delicious home cooked meals together.

Flirting is a fun way of showing him you are interested in him romantically, but it could also be confused with friendliness. Seduction is about showing your Taurus guy that you are physically attracted to him. If you want to keep a Taurus man interested, keep your text messages sweet, flirty, and romantic. Don’t have serious conversations over text and don’t be too provocative.

However, when a Taurus really likes you, he won’t mind keeping all communication lines open. He’ll reach out more often and sound genuinely interested whenever he talks to you in person or on the phone. One of the Taurus’ signs of weakness is their passive aggression. This means that the Taurus man is more likely to give you a cold shoulder whenever you have an argument. It’s one of the traits that makes most Taurus men quite successful.

Thus, if he makes it a point to be around you more often, you can be sure that he is trying to grab your attention. He considers each meeting and conversation a stepping stone to the eventual relationship. Read this post as we give you an insight into the signs that a Taurus man is in love.