Sex and Bleeding Disorders

Sex and Bleeding Disorders

From what I know, there are not many genes in the y chromosome. So there may be disorders but I can tell you that it all involves with make sperm and such. "SRY is found on the Y chromosome and encodes a protein that turns on other genes required for male development. A person with hemophilia may have severe, even life-threatening, bleeding from just a small cut.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sex-Linked Traits

Scientists continued to find exceptions to Mendel’s laws; the exceptions became the norm. Even Mendel could not replicate his laws in another plant hawkweed . If an SRY-bearing X chromosome fertilizes a normal egg, it will produce a chromosomally female embryo that develops as a male." In the second paragraph of the section titled "Sex Chromosomes in Humans", do Chromosomally female embreyos that develope into males make them have a more girlish appearance?

Without the hemophilia allele, the sons will not have hemophilia and can’t pass it down to their children. Overall, there is a 1 in 2 (50%) chance that the child will be a son who does not have hemophilia and a 1 in 2 (50%) chance that the child will be a daughter who is heterozygous . This is true if the mother does not have a hemophilia allele herself. That would be very rare, unless the parents are related. In humans, as well as in many other animals and some plants, the sex of the individual is determined by sex chromosomes –one pair of non-homologous chromosomes. Until now, we have only considered inheritance patterns among non-sex chromosomes, or autosomes.

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There is a 50% chance the daughters will be carriers of the trait. Some people with hemophilia A develop antibodies to factor VIII. The inhibitors attack factor VIII so that it no longer works. In such cases, a man-made clotting factor called VIIa can be given. If the factor VIII gene is missing on a boy’s X chromosome, he will have hemophilia A. For this reason, most people with hemophilia A are male.


Why is haemophilia generally observed in human males explain the conditions under which a human female can be hemophilia?


Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder in humans. If a woman is a carrier of the trait and has children with an unaffected man, what is the probability of an unaffected daughter and an unaffected son? Hemophilia in humans is a recessive sex-linked disorder carried on the X chromosome. If a man with hemophilia and a woman who is a carrier have children, which outcome is possible? All of their sons and half of their daughters could have hemophilia. X-linked recessive genes are genes found on the X-chromosome, and both alleles are needed for the trait to be expressed in a biological female, but only one allele is needed in biological males.


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Include terms such as sex-linked inheritance, sex-linked genes, dominant, recessive, and X and Y chromosomes in your answer. Different clotting factors can cause blood clots to form incorrectly; this is a bleeding disorder known as hemophilia. Explore more of this disease–including the clotting cascade and clotting factors–and understand the common symptoms and treatments.

The X chromosome contains many genes that are not present on the Y chromosome. This means that males only have one copy of most of the genes on the X chromosome, whereas females have 2 copies. Thus, males can have a disease like hemophilia if they inherit an affected X chromosome that has a mutation in either the factor VIII or factor IX gene. Females can also have hemophilia, but this is much rarer.

APCC is treated to inactivate any potential viruses or similar pathogens and adverse thrombotic events are rare. The only form of aPCC currently available in the United States is FEIBA® . Based on sex linkage, describe in detail why most hemophiliacs are male.

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