Pretty Little Liars: Will Aria Say Yes To Ezras Proposal? Recap

Many fans love Ezra and think he’s a perfect boyfriendand that’s because of how the show has painted him. If Ezra and Aria really are endgame, why give him another major love interest? He doesn’t even seem interested in Aria anymore, as he’s totally consumed by Nicole’s disappearance and all of the drama surrounding it. The PLL characters aren’t always lucky in love, and Ezra keeps betraying Aria. He falls in love with Nicole , which seems like a poor decision on the writers’ parts.

We collect and tell stories of people from all around the world. Shahghasemi happens to be very private about his personal life, as he feels that actors already bravely open themselves up to strangers. According to the actor, he used to introduce himself as Ethan, as most people found it difficult to pronounce his name.


The last season of PLL had some wild moments and this was a surprising one, even though some viewers thought that there was more to Aria than met the eye. Aria could have been badly hurt or worse, and it was all because of Ezra. This was a lot for Aria to handle, as she was only a teenage girl who should have been worrying about school dances and good grades, not her boyfriend’s child. Alex Greenwich said on Friday that he didn’t want to waste his time engaging the One Nation MP’s now-deleted Twitter post, but admitted it had affected him.

Eagle-eyed fans can tell that the series was always teasing who A was, but in the case of Ezra Fitz, no one ever knew whether he was good or evil. Sometimes he would be a sweet, romantic guy with Aria, and other times, he was on the A-Team and they thought that he murdered Charlotte. It’s confusing, and it seems like his character should be on more of an even keel. In the pilot, the two meet at a bar, and then it turns out that he’s her English teacher. That’s definitely uncool, yet they start dating anyway. It always feels like Ezra is a man of mystery and that Aria can’t really get to know him.

Ezra Fitz is 24 years old on “Pretty Little Liars,” and Harding is 28 years old. That means Harding was around 23 when the show started, and his character would have been 22. Ian was a super creepy character onPLLas he dated Ali when she was really young. He also kissed Spencer when she was several years younger than him. In the seventh season, Ali and Emily had a picnic and then they slept together.

It wouldn’t be too difficult for them to do it again. If they really want to be together again and just keep it from Liam they could but the better option would be to just stop working with Liam all together. Either way, the door is now open for Ezria to get back together. Hopefully this time they can make their relationship stick.

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However, Pretty Little Liars did not actively do the work to suggest that was a problematic direction. Instead, one of its significant couples, Aria Montgomery and Ezra Fitz, is at the heart of the problem. At first, Pretty Little Liars offers a sense of unfortunate circumstances after Aria and Ezra realize they are entering teacher/student territory after bonding at a bar the day before school starts.

The two spend a romantic outing in Philadelphia, pleased they don’t have to conceal their kisses and hand holding in public. The next day, Aria tells Hanna it was one of the best nights of her life. Aria’s old babysitter, and published author, Simone, comes to Rosewood for a visit in “Careful What U Wish 4.” Ella arranges for her to talk to the English classes at Rosewood high. Ella also arranges for her to have coffee with Ezra because he is “very single and very handsome.” Aria doesn’t love the idea, but she can’t exactly object. She arrives unannounced to his apartment on a Saturday morning, with coffee and pastries, and finds Ezra reading Simone’s short story. He is happy to see her, but distracted because it is almost noon and he has to meet Simone.

Ezra Can Be Distant… Like Right Before His Wedding To Aria

Evidence to suggest Aria has a split personality disorder? People say she might have a split personality disorder because a couple of her relatives have had mental health issues. But that doesn’t automatically mean Aria will inherit this. Troian Bellisario is the oldest of all the core stars. The actress was 24 years old when she first started portraying high school student Spencer Hastings. Emily spotted Sara Harvey going up to Jenna’s hotel room at The Radley, and when she ended up servings drinks to Jenna’s room, she found out why Jenna’s back in town.

If Aria had been able to leave Ezra, she would have been close to her family once again, and it’s a shame they had so much drama. Messages from A can be scary or fail, but most of the time, when this figure sends a text message to Aria, it is very successful. He often used Aria’s secret relationship with Ezra against her and threatened her with all the bad things that would happen if they continued to see each other. If Aria had left Ezra in season one and realized that she didn’t want so much pain and suffering, A wouldn’t have had as much ammunition. The couple got married and planned to start a family in the series finale, but it’s hard to ignore how difficult Aria’s life became once she fell in love with Ezra.

Aria Destroyed Emily And Alison’s Nursery

Before they can make plans, Ella walks in the room and Aria pretends to be talking to Emily. That night, Ezra gets a text from Aria just as he walks up to the restaurant. A disappointed Ezra turns to leave when he notices Byron inside. Shocked at the close call, he quickly flees the scene.

When flowers are delivered to Aria in “The Homecoming Hangover,” she hopes they are from Ezra and is disappointed and a bit perturbed they are from Sean. Aria tries to get a hold of Ezra many times, but he is unreachable. She tries his cell and house phone, asks the substitute when he might be back and even goes to his apartment to check on him. She uses the key under the mat to get inside just in time to hear a message from a school in New York confirming a job interview. She sulks in her room reading a book he inscribed for her. In the sixth season, Ezra fell into a depression after his girlfriend Nicole disappeared.

Moving on, of course could be seen as Ezra moving on to Jackie from Aria. Aria sees Ezra with Jackie setting up a Hollis table for Rosewood High’s college fair. She puts several medals around Ezra’s neck in a flirtatious move and Ezra does not rebuff. Disheartened by the scene, Aria decides against walking up to them, as Ezra and Jackie, laughing, head for the car to get more Hollis paraphernalia. She attempted to reconnect with Ezra but discovers his relationship with Aria.

Ezra tells Aria that while he knows he promised he wouldn’t come back to Rosewood, he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. After asking how he is, Aria asks if he knows about everything that has happened, with Alison. Ezra understands that he has to go along with Alison’s kidnap story. Aria then asks if he knows about Mrs. DiLaurentis’; Ezra knows it was a murder, and initially he thought it was Shana but the timing doesn’t fit. He had everything backward and it wasn’t until he saw Shana in New York dressed as ‘A’ that he knew she was ‘A’.

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