Conversational UI: 9 Must-Follow Principles to Humanize Your Chatbot

It asks a series of questions about symptoms to provide solutions to make you feel better. Its conversational UI is made up of numerous interactive inputs such as pain indicating sliders. Over the years, Lark and its conversational user interface have received a few achievements. To put it in a nutshell, Domino€™s conversational AI chatbot… Continue reading Conversational UI: 9 Must-Follow Principles to Humanize Your Chatbot

The Most Powerful Chatbot Builder

Guide customers into performing a variety of financial operations in a conversational way and with complete safety. From checking an account, reporting lost cards or making payments, to renewing a policy or managing a refund, the customer can manage simple tasks autonomously. Persistence allows people to pick up a conversation where they last left off,… Continue reading The Most Powerful Chatbot Builder